Question: The specifications say that the arch element that extends below the support surface must make contact with the vertical faces of both support surfaces. If this is understood correctly, it means that the measurement between the outside faces of these elements that extend below the support surface must be exactly 300mm. If not, it will either be too short or not fit between the supports. Is there any leeway on this since, as it is written, a deviation of 1mm or less either way would be grounds for disqualification. We would appreciate any clarity on this item.
Answer: This is discussed in the specifications, while there is no official tolerance specified, the testing equipment allows for one support to be adjusted to engage the vertical face with a tolerance of approximately ±2-3 mm.
Question: It is quite difficult to make the side supports exactly 300 mm apart, will the support surfaces be adjustable to match the bridge dimensions?
Answer: One support surface will be adjustable and the judges will position it to match the actual bridge dimensions. The 300 mm dimension will be allowed a few millimeters of tolerance during check-in.
Question: "The bridge shall contain an "arch-type" structure below the main support plane that spans between the supports."
Does this mean that the arch element must be completely below the support surface or can it also extend into the rest of the bridge?
Answer: The rule means that the arch start below the support, and some of it’s elements can extend above the support as noted in the revised rules and the revised figure.
Question: Does the top of the bridge need to span 300 mm or just the bottom?
Answer: The bottom of the bridge needs to span 300 mm between the supports and need extra length on top of each support. The top needs to meet the loading requirements and should be symmetrical, but it does not need to be 300 mm.
Question: Under the #2 Construction item # 3 it states that " The arch element must make contact with the vertical faces of both support surfaces and may extend above the support surfaces in the center of the span.
Does this mean the arch members must meet at a single mm point in the center or can it have members that meet a horizontal member that is in the center 100mm long? I have created a drawing below
Answer: Please see the revised figure, the arch can have any shape, not necessarily meeting at a single point.
Last update: October 4, 2019
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For further information, contact: Prof. Carlo Segre -
Illinois Institute of Technology
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