Application to Host an International Bridge Contest
Please read the pages descriping the
Qualifications for International
Bridge Contest Hosts, and respond appropriately to the following:
Have you been the Sponsor of Regional Contest for at least three
consecutive years? (Yes or No)
Facilities for testing? (Briefly describe bridge
testing apparatus and setup. Photographs may be useful
Testing Procedure? (Briefly describe how the student
participants and their bridges will be routed through
the contest. ie., Describe the logistics you will set
up to handle them.)
Transportation? (Briefly describe how participants
could reach your location by air from major US cities.
In particular, how many connections are required, say
from New York? ... from Chicago? ...from Denver?)
Budget? (What amount of money do you have to run the
Lodging? (Cost? Proximity to contest location?)
Banquet? (Briefly describe facilities, proximity to
contest location, approximate estimated total cost.)
Prizes? Scholarship? (Briefly describe.)
Organizing Committee? (List committee members and their
institutional affiliations. Any support personnel for
Contact person? (Name, address, phone numbers - work
and home - of one person who would be overall
coordinator for the International Contest at your location.)
Wood? (Give source, how it will identified, mailed,
how much.)
Why do you want to host the International Contest?
What is there about your regional contest that helps
teachers to motivate students to take physics?
Please respond to these questions,
listing and identifying them in the order listed on
this page and e-mail to Prof. John
Kallend, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Last update: December 24, 2009
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For further information, contact: Prof. Carlo Segre -
Illinois Institute of Technology
© International Bridge Building Committee, 2024